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If you've never visited with a professional life & leadership coach before, you might have some questions. I've tried to answer them all below, but feel free to reach out to me if there's something you're wondering about.

What is a professional
Life & Leadership Coach?

A professional Life & Leadership Coach is a trusted mentor, helping you discover the obstacles hindering your fullest potential. This confidential relationship provides a supportive and non-judgmental space for you to identify the life you desire and were created to live. Alongside a Life & Leadership Coach, you will strategize and acquire the tools you need to achieve your goals, including reframing your thoughts and attitudes, recognizing and breaking negative habits, acquiring new methods for self-awareness, and creating an action plan for achieving your maximum potential!

Who hires
Life & Leadership Coaches?

Life & Leadership Coaches work with people in all areas of life including relationships, career, finance, health, and more. Every personality type may work with a personal coach, especially those desiring to take action to improve their quality of life.

How will
life & leadership coaching help?

When seeking coaching for professional growth, coaching helps you excel as a leader, brings clarity to your work management, and effectiveness in self-marketing and promotion. In personal life coaching, a coach strengthens relationships, address self-destructive behaviors, improves overall health, and increases your spiritual connectedness. Though results vary, life and leadership coaching promotes a more balanced and fulfilled life.

What happens in a coaching session?

Coaching sessions are custom-tailored to fit your needs. Generally, the session begins with identifying your unique goal, focusing specifically on what you are committed to accomplishing. Together, we will clearly articulate your aims, recognize potential obstacles, explore various perspectives, and create an action plan, occasionally including assignments to be done between sessions. We will conclude with celebrating success and reviewing your next steps towards continued growth.

Do I really need a professional coach?

Many self-motivated people often wonder, Why have a coach if I can do this on my own? The simple answer: You won't. Far too often, we become our biggest obstacle. We are blind to our inefficiencies, weaknesses, and even our greatest strengths. With a professional coach, you receive an unbiased, objective perspective, helping shed light on ways to maximize, organize, and realize your full potential. Together, we'll make your dreams a reality.

How is coaching different from counseling?

Though coaching may be therapeutic, it differs greatly from counseling. Counseling primarily focuses on psychological issues, often looking to the past to understand the present. Coaching, on the other hand, emphasizes your present and future goals, helping you envision what could be while taking the necessary steps to develop and accomplish your goals.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please give a 24-hour notice for any cancellation. Failure to do so may result in being charged for your missed session.

How long do people work with a professional coach?

The best success happens with a long-term commitment to growth and improvement. To experience the full benefit of professional coaching, a minimum initial three-month commitment is strongly recommended.

Is professional coaching confidential?

Professional coaching relies on confidence and trust. As such, all conversations are confidential, safe-guarding your personal information and privacy. However, unlike clergy, counselors, and attorneys, professional coaching is not granted privileged status for legal purposes.

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